MARK RABAGO: We they are treating this areca nut or betel nut as a cigarette. So anybody who is under 21 are not allowed to obtain to buy or somebody give it to them. They are just treating it like tobacco anybody under 21 can get it can obtain it can obtain it. Obviously recent studies by the university of Guam noticed that oral cancer brought about by betel nut chewing is the third leading cancer in the CNMI. And they are very worried about what is happening to the islands the people of the islands who chew betel nut. So one way of addressing this problem is passing this law.
DON WISEMAN: Will it have much effect though? Because betel nut trees grow all over the place don't they.
MR: Yes they agree that any youth can just pick betel nut from a tree and they can have their betel nut as much as they can but governor Torres in his address said even though they can still obtain it at least they are cutting it from the source when they buy in the stores.
DW: So if they haven't really addressed that problem about betel nut being prevalent but at least they can't buy it from stores now. In some parts of the Pacific, PNG particularly where betel nut consumption is now banned in public places because of I think primarily the mess it creates and people spitting and so on and so on. Is that an issue in CNMI?
MR: When I first came here I was shocked while driving the cars they will just open their doors and people would spit out but through the years, 15 years that I have been here it becomes less and less. But there is still some especially in sports events. You would pick up a bottle and think it is just an empty bottle and there is spit there. So they are still allowing it in public but I think they are not allowing it in government offices anymore. And some private businesses also are asking people who work their, even guests not to chew in their premises. There is some movement against it but it is, the total ban, there is no ban yet.
DW: Is it likely to go further? The people who have brought this in, do they see this as the first of a number of steps?
MR:Yes the commonwealth cancer association is in the forefront of this. In fact during the signing their director, executive director Juan Nekai Babauta said another bill this time by BJ Attao (Blas Jonathan Attao) will try to impose a tax on betel nuts that are imported per pound. So those are Chuuk, from outside the islands Would have to be taxed when they come here from Palau. So it is another way of cutting the source. But as you said there is still a lot in the island to receive in the island.
DW: There hasn't been any suggestion about cutting all the trees down?
MR: No not yet, not yet. It is also some people sell their betel nuts in the store. So you would be depriving some households of their income so they are probably not looking at that drastically yet. But if you really want to address oral cancer it is not just cutting the source there is also awareness. They are looking at going to school. Especially the small children because it is hard to kick an old habit. If you are really addicted to this chewing it is hard, so you have to start them young, educate the kids. It is culture it is tradition but at the same time it is killing you.