Navigation for Arts on Sunday

4 October 2009

12:40 Collectors

We ask what drives people collect stuff - from hankies and garden tools to encyclopaedias to Fords cars - and why we should value our collectors as social historians and guardians of our treasures. To Have and To Hold is on at Objectspace gallery in Auckland.

EncyclopaedicSaviour of Technology


The Encyclopaedic Collection of John Perry (left) and models of cars represented in the Rainbow Collection of Dr Stephen (right)

See more images from To Have and To Hold in the Arts on Sunday Gallery.

12.50 Collateral

Artist Dane Mitchell, the man who upset many in the arts community and the media with his award winning pile of artistic rubbish, responds to all the criticism from his residency in Berlin.


Collateral, by Dane Mitchell

1:00 At the Movies with Simon Morris

Film adaptations of good books - including Year One, which is based on The Good Book…

1:30 Footnote Forte

The Footnote dance company has commissioned work inspired by famous New Zealanders - one's chosen a graffiti artist and another highflying ex-pat singer, Ladyhawke.

Footnote Forte

Images from Footnote Forte

1:40 Wakanyote Njuguna

A conversation with Kenyan theatre director, Wakanyote Njuguna (below), who's currently visiting New Zealand working with young actors and recent migrants.

Wakanyote Njuguna

1:50 Elizabeth O'Connor reviews the latest production from Southern Opera, The Magic Flute

2:00 The Laugh Track

Supreme improviser, actor and MC, Tim Gordon, plays some of his favourite comedy tracks.

Tim Gordon

Tim Gordon in Four Flat Whites in Italy

2:20 Robot Show

Sam Broad shares his fascination with creating robots with Lucy Orbell.

Tiki Robot

Sam Broad's take on the robot for the upcoming Robot Show on at Thistle Hall in Wellington from 6 October

2:30 Chapter and Verse

Novelist and short story writer Owen Marshall on his new collection, choosing the best New Zealand fiction and heading Antarctica, and a conversation with writer Kelly Joseph who recently spent eight weeks on a residency on Kapiti Island north of Wellington.

2:50 Southern Lights

We introduce the country's newest dance company, Southern Lights, which is premiering at the Body Festival of Dance and Physical Theatre in Christchurch.

Southern Lights

Southern Lights Dance Company

3:00 The Sunday Drama

The final in this year's Worldplay series - from America it's Moving Bodies, starring the great Alfred Molina as the Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman.