5 Aug 2021

Broken collar bone, no medal for cyclist Aaron Gate after crash

From Checkpoint, 6:11 pm on 5 August 2021

A nasty crash at the Olympic velodrome has left NZ track cyclist Aaron Gate with a broken collar bone, burns and without a medal in Tokyo.

The men's pursuit team were in a strong position in the race against Australia for bronze.

But with just over 1km to go, Gate clipped teammate Jordan Kerby's back wheel, sending Gate sliding across the track.

His injuries have ended his own Olympic campaign. Aaron Gate says his 66km/h spill remains a bit of a blur.

Gate says he had a chance to talk to family last night, saying his wife is devastated that his Olympic dream is over.

However, Gate, who's previously broken his other collarbone, hopes to be back in the saddle and racing Europe within a week.

Gate has been replaced by teammate Campbell Stewart for Thursday's omnium and Saturday's madison race.