7:10 Our Own Odysseys: Thomas Morgan

When Thomas' family rescued a Japanese motorcyclist in distress, he was rewarded with a month's free digs in a village near Osaka with his host Toru. Thomas talks to Bryan about the Japanese seaside, sandbathing, and sleeping in a drawer.

7:30 The Sampler

A weekly review and analysis of new CD releases, including the latest from Lana Del Rey.

8:10 Windows on the World

A global aid audit with the German journalist, Ulli Schauen. Visit the Windows on the World web page to find links to this and other documentaries.

8:40 Pundit. History, with Gavin McLean, Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Gavin discusses the grand old days of Government Houses in NZ, back when they were seats of power - sort of.

9:06 The Tuesday Feature: The Anthropocene

Kim Hill chairs a panel discussion on (arguably) the latest geological epoch, where humanity is etching its mark into the very rocks it stands on (well, they'll find our fingerprints in it one day). What to do with all this human impact, stop it? Or change it?

10:00 Late Edition

A review of the news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11:06 Global Village

Chris Heim returns with a new series of Wichita's best world music radio show.