Search for man believed to have fallen overboard in Wellington Harbour continues

8:51 am on 27 May 2024
The Wellington police boat returns to harbour on 24 May 2024 after spending the day looking for a man who went missing after falling from the East By West ferry.

A police boat searching the area on Friday. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone

Police and the navy are continuing their search of Wellington Harbour for a man [ thought to have fallen off a commuter ferry on Friday.

The police describe him as fair-skinned, about 180cm tall with darker hair and likely aged in his 40s. They say he was wearing a dark jacket with a zip and dark pants.

He went missing after getting on the East by West ferry early on Friday morning.

The search is being led by the Police Maritime Unit, with the navy joining the hunt on Sunday.

Wellington Harbourmaster Grant Nalder told RNZ's Morning Report his current role was having an overview and keeping an eye on what was happening.

It was a "very unfortunate circumstance".

Nalder said the man was seen heading up to the top deck and later, was nowhere to be found.

Recent tides and a lack of information left a "very large search area".

Nalder said police and the navy were taking the lead but he was happy to assist in any way he could.

Such an incident had happened in the past but Nalder said it was "infrequent".

The boat was designed to keep people on board, and it was not an easy boat to fall off, he said.

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