Stories by Aaron Smale
Abuse inquiry: 'The government has got it right'
Opinion - A journalist who has broken several of the stories about the government's response to victims of state abuse, Aaron Smale reflects on the announcement of a Royal Commission of Inquiry.
Indigenous film festival: 'These are our stories'
A global film festival being held on Wellington's Kapiti Coast is a chance to tell stories from an indigenous perspective and no one else's..
Claim for child abuse inquiry lodged with Waitangi Tribunal
A claim calling for an independent inquiry into state welfare abuse that disproportionately affected Māori has been lodged with the Waitangi Tribunal.
Govt agencies work together to support te reo
Government agencies involved in supporting Māori language are working together so they do not duplicate research.
Smashed by the state: The kids from Kohitere
Politicians are fond of calling for gangs to be smashed. Many gang members have already been smashed by the state - when they were children. Aaron Smale reports. Video
Gangs a byproduct of state care - Black Power member
A Black Power member, one of many who suffered abuse in state care, has accused the government of never taking responsibility for it.
'Tangata whenua in this country have given enough'
Renowned author Patricia Grace has launched a new fight over ancestral Māori land, this time to stop the government acquiring it for roads and other public services.
Māori oppose Taranaki sand mining
Māori groups are opposing a second application to mine iron sand off the Taranaki coast because of concerns about environmental damage and breaches of their property rights.
Māori broadcaster Kingi Ihaka dies
Te Aupōuri broadcaster and Māori language exponent Kingi Ihaka has died at the age of 74.
Māori tech owners visit US tech giants
A number of Māori tech business owners and investors had a glimpse of the future on a recent trip to the United States.
Getting off Fidel's wild ride
Analysis - Fidel Castro's Cuba was already slipping away before the man himself signed off. Aaron Smale reflects on one of the giants of the 20th century.
Child abuse report 'shut down'
A never-published report recommended an independent inquiry into the way the government handled historic claims of child abuse in state care.
'In our view, everyone owns the water'
A Māori water rights claim aims to protect and conserve water for future generations of New Zealanders, the lead claimant has told the Waitangi Tribunal.
Hawke's Bay hapū settlement goes ahead
A treaty settlement signed by several Hawke's Bay hapū is said to be sound, despite three of the seven hapū involved in the settlement refusing to sign.
Māori tech companies explore US market
A group of Māori technology business owners have headed to the US to explore the North American market.
Māori innovation hub targets modern tech, education
Science organisation Callaghan Innovation is targeting Māori businesses at its research premises in Petone.
More resources needed to curb high Māori suicide rates
The suicide rate among Māori is nearly twice that of any other ethnicity and a researcher says disconnection from culture is a factor.
'I want us to challenge the government': Te Mātāwai holds first hui on Te Reo
Taking Māori beyond the marae in the age of Facebook and Twitter is one of the aims of a new umbrella organisation set up to support Māori language.
Dispute over $30,000 within Māori Women's Welfare League
A dispute over a $30,000 tax bill has broken out in the Māori Women's Welfare League, with accusations the national body is mistreating its Manurewa branch.
Bird song technology used to recognise te reo
A computer program based on technology for identifying bird calls can recognise Māori and is helping broadcasters measure te reo content.
Call for institutional racism investigation
Former government minister Dame Tariana Turia is calling for an investigation into institutional racism in the public sector.
Warning over Māori Land Act changes
Representatives for Māori landowners are warning they will not support changes to the Māori Land Act, unless their bottom-line demands are met.
The politics of Māori health
Māori doctors and health advocates say they are battling institutional racism in a sector that is costing people's lives.
Artist needed accident to 'trigger a refocus'
An accident that left him paralysed also set David Cameron on his life path, with the Gisborne-based artist winning a top art award this week.
He Tohu to be new home of NZ founding documents
The Treaty of Waitangi and other NZ founding documents will soon be housed at He Tohu in The National Library.