Stories by David Hill
Kaikōura may have no warning of tsunami
Canterbury coastal residents could have little or no warning of a major tsunami event, councils warn.
Waimakariri mayor: Rejected projects should not be fast-tracked
Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon says government should not undermine council decision-making processes.
ECan to promote testing of private water wells
An estimated 250,000-300,000 private wells are used for drinking water in Canterbury.
ECan left waiting for advice on large solar farms
Canterbury's regional council is none the wiser on how to respond to large-scale solar farm applications.
Residents vow to fight solar farm near their homes
Neighbours have received advice indicating it was unusual to build solar farms close to houses, a spokesperson says.
Is paid parking the answer for this town's growing needs?
Rangiora and Kaiapoi residents will get the chance to have their say on what parking demand might look like in 2040, and whether they are willing to pay for a good spot.
Tourist towns doubtful of government support
The Hurunui and Kaikōura councils are not expecting a share of the increased International Visitor Levy.
Oxford’s bright stars pull in the visitors
One year on from gaining international dark sky status, Oxford's night sky is proving to be a drawcard.
North Canterbury: How much will rates rise in 2025?
North Canterbury ratepayers can expect more rates rises, as local councils seek to deliver on their long term plans.
Area schools brace for busy year
Some schools get few, if any, New Zealand-trained teacher applicants, with several employing LAT (limited authority to teach) teachers to fill staffing gaps.
The willing students who struggle to find work
Rangiora High School is seeking opportunities for its Lighthouse programme (special needs) students.
Fears new standards could leave students with no qualification
The requirement to pass new literacy and numeracy standards to qualify for NCEA could result students leaving school with no qualifications.
Schools back threatened qualification
"There is zero chance we will get rid of level 1, until anyone provides an alternative."
'A nice change': Green tinge returns to North Canterbury pastures
The area has been suffering from low rainfall for many months.
ECan submissions lost after technical glitch
Environment Canterbury has confirmed a technical hitch meant some submitters on landfill consent application received an email acknowledgement, but their submission wasn't logged.
ECan speaks out against Treaty Principles Bill
Canterbury's regional council has added its voice to opposition to the bill.
Flat-fare bus trial extended but price going up
Environment Canterbury's flat-fare trial is being extended to February 2026, with a 50 percent fare increase.
'As long as it takes': Homeowner's bypass buyout sours
Paul Hoglund says he's been offered less than his property is worth and he isn't going anywhere. "I've got nothing to lose".
Is this the next boom town for retirees?
The village has a permanent population of around 700 people, plus holiday homes, but it can swell up to 10,000 people during busy weekends.
Work on the Woodend Bypass to begin in 2026
The Transport Minister says the announcement is a "significant milestone" which will unlock land for housing in the Waimakariri district and provide more reliable connections to key freight hubs and…
Proposed Canterbury landfill faces huge opposition
A resource consent for a proposed managed fill landfill at White Rock has attracted 548 submissions.
Community takes stand to protect birds after Ashley River 4WD ban rejected
Four-wheel drive enthusiasts and environmentalists will need to work together to protect birds nesting along the river.
Organisation pushes to see more young people in local elections
"It is a good and healthy thing for a council to have that range of views around the table," LGNZ President Sam Broughton says.
Principals 'perplexed' by fuss over teacher-only days
North Canterbury principals have responded to comments from Associate Education Minister David Seymour suggesting schools will no longer be allowed to hold teacher-only days during the school term.
What will Kaikōura look like in 2075?
Could an AI bot become the mayor of Kaikōura in 2075? The district council has been imagining what the town might look like in 50 years.