Stories by Dom Thomas
Audio and features
Football bringing Fijians together in New Zealand
Koroi Hawkins takes in a local football tournament bringing Wellington's Fijian community together on and off the pitch. Video, Audio
Ōtaki shops get creative to survive Covid-19 lockdown
Ōtaki is famous for its retail shopping and outlet stores - but following weeks of forced closure for most, some are having to think creatively to survive.
Many businesses have relied on the… Video, Audio
NZers plan to commemorate Anzac Day their way at home
Despite all ANZAC day services being cancelled due to Covid 19, New Zealanders across the country are coming up with new ways to remember the lives of soldiers who died fighting for New Zealand.
A… Video, Audio
Te Papa visitors go down rabbit-hole in new exhibition
Visitors to Te Papa will have the chance to immerse themselves in the psychedelic multi-verse of Alice's Wonderland with the opening of a new exhibition.
The interactive experience celebrates the… Video, Audio