Stories by Giles Dexter
Nearly 1000 tonnes of diesel on sunken Manawanui
Divers are now trying to figure out if the ship is leaking. Audio
Home ownership figure in Census surprises Statistics officials
Officials admitted a rise in home ownership was unexpected and they had to double-check the data.
Police seeking to waive diplomatic immunity following Wellington altercation
Police are wanting to charge a person reported to be the partner of an Australian diplomat.
Luxon's property profits highlight unfairness - Labour
The Prime Minister recently sold two properties, making a profit which is exempt from tax. Audio
Repeal on oil and gas ban risked NZ's reputation, MFAT warned
"There are risks to NZ's relationships with its global and Pacific Island partners around the perception of a policy departure on the transition and our climate change goals," legal advice said.
ACC needs to 'lift its game' before lifting levies - minister
The Accident Compensation Corporation has begun consulting over suggested rises of more than 7 percent for motorists, and more than 4 percent for employers and earners.
Parliament votes to extend gift card expiry dates
An estimated one in five gift cards expire before their use-by dates, with New Zealanders losing $10 million a year by forgetting to use them.
More than power costs behind mill closure - minister
There was more than one reason the government couldn't save the Winstone Pulp mills, Louise Upston says. Audio
Is the health system set up to deliver the new cancer drugs?
The Cancer Society says there is still no sign the health system is ready to administer new cancer drugs, after Pharmac confirmed its first cancer medication funding decisions since its budget boost.
Charter school documents: 'Out of date' or important?
The Greens are questioning the timing of the removal of documents about past charter school efforts, but David Seymour says that's gotcha politics.
Cautious optimism over expansion of road user charges
Paying charges on kilometres driven, rather than amount of fuel bought, could put those with less efficient cars on a fairer footing, advocate says.
'Everybody needs to have a choice': Petition calls for expansion of End of Life Choice Act
The ACT Party plans to introduce a member's bill to expand eligibility.
Government ups pressure on councils over water services
Local councils will have to show how they will deliver drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services in a financially sustainable way.
Labour sees just transition as core of future energy policy
Labour's climate change spokesperson Megan Woods said the party wanted to learn from its just transition pilots in Taranaki and Southland.
Labour commits to funding councils for central govt work
Unfunded mandates have long been identified as key difficulty facing local government's revenue streams.
Local government keen to see funding tools for regional deals
The day after the PM blasted councils for their spending, the government came in with a sweetener for the sector.
Health minister seeking advice on nitrous oxide
The health minister says he has sought advice on nitrous oxide, to see whether more needs to be done to address its recreational use.
Smokefree providers and minister keen to address downturn in referrals
The country's frontline smokefree service providers met with the Associate Health Minister Casey Costello last week. Audio
How will the coming benefit changes be applied?
Explainer - The government has confirmed its long-signalled changes to the welfare system. RNZ looks at how they will work.
'Friendly banter': Trade Minister says 'nothing personal' in Mexico barb to MP
Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March says Todd McClay's letter acknowledged that what he said was inappropriate.
Former Children's Minister tells government to stop 7AA repeal
Parliament's Social Services and Community Committee has been hearing submissions on the legislation to repeal Section 7AA, which binds Oranga Tamariki to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
PM to speak to Cabinet minister over Mexico remark to MP
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon agreed the remark was not appropriate.
Resignations, fractures as Greens debate Darleen Tana
Party delegates have started the countdown to decide whether to use the party-hopping legislation against the rogue MP. Audio
Darleen Tana saga set to loom as Green Party meets
A Green Party member is concerned that proper process will not be followed - but the party's co-leader says a vote will not be forced.