Stories by Karen Brown
Bowel cancer screening could save 100 lives a year
27 Jul 2016
New Zealand has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world, but health officials are hopeful additional screening will help reduce deaths.
Gene linked to obesity found in half of Samoans
26 Jul 2016
American researchers have discovered that close to half of all Samoans have a gene that increases their risk of becoming obese.
Home-movers risk missing chance to vote
18 Jul 2016
The Electoral Commission is warning that tens of thousands of people may lose the chance to vote in the upcoming local elections.
Safety results go beyond surgeons' work
30 Jun 2016
The public should get more data on surgery results - but the focus should be on teams, not individuals, a leading health quality expert says. Audio
Data shows bowel cancer diagnosis issues
30 Jun 2016
As many as 40 percent of Māori and Pacific people with bowel cancer only discover they have the disease when they need emergency hospital care.