Stories by Katie Todd
Pair charged with escaping MIQ facility, third person hands herself in
The woman who handed herself in to police was one of three people to make a break for freedom in quick succession last night, after being sent to quarantine from the community.
Aucklanders 'disappointed' at rule breaches but call for clarity
As officials beg Aucklanders to follow the alert level 3 rules, some city dwellers are asking for clarity around the Covid strategy in return.
MIQ hotels record 117 boundary breaches or attempts in 10 months
Returnees were caught escaping MIQ hotels, attempting escape or venturing into out of bounds areas 117 times in a 10-month period.
Pregnant and alone due to MIQ bottleneck: 'It's just awful'
Expectant couples trying to reunite before their baby arrives are getting caught up in the MIQ booking bottleneck.
Matthew Hunt shooting: Getaway driver Natalie Bracken sentenced
The getaway driver who helped the killer of police officer Matthew Hunt to flee has been jailed for 12 months.
MIQ taking toll on returnees' mental health - psychologists
Psychologists say there's emerging evidence of long-term and in some cases 'severe' effects from time spent in MIQ.
Government unable to reveal cost of MIQ subsidies for sports teams
Officials don't know how much they've splashed out on MIQ subsidies for international sports teams.
Government agreed to subsidise MIQ costs for international sports stars
The government agreed to subsidise international sports stars' managed isolation and quarantine bills last year - paying hundreds of thousands of dollars per team.
Government ministers wanted bespoke MIQ for athletes
The idea was shot down by officials who looked at options and each time found a shortage of resources - and a risk of public backlash.
LynnMall stabbings: Review into risk terrorist posed launched
The events preceding the LynnMall stabbings will be investigated by three agencies in a coordinated formal review.
NZ losing migrant rest home staff to Canada due to MIQ unavailability
At least 15 rest homes are turning down new admissions because the migrant nurses they have hired, cannot enter the country.
'If you haven't had your first dose, come on down to the drive through'
Vaccination centres have been scaled up again in Auckland today, amid second-dose bookings from the country's first mass vaccination event.
Hospital visitors clustered together during level 4 say cancer patients
Auckland District Health Board has been accused of putting vulnerable patients and a stretched workforce at risk with lenient rules for visitors during lockdown.
Mystery Middlemore Hospital Covid-19 case: 'We knew it was inevitable'
As health authorities scramble to investigate a mystery Covid-19 infection at Middlemore Hospital the management of the case has been slated as a failure and a mess by unions and opposition parties.
LynnMall: Woman describes trying to help wounded during chaos
A 19-year-old who fled the LynnMall stabbings and helped a wounded woman says she didn't realise the serious impact the attack had on her until she visited another supermarket on the weekend.
Missed opportunities to deradicalise LynnMall attacker, says criminologist
A criminologist who deemed the LynnMall attacker 'low risk' in 2018 believes there were missed opportunities to steer him away from violent extremism.
Flood aftermath makes 'filthy, boggy, revolting' mess
Ruined cars, broken belongings and ripped up gardens have emerged from floodwaters in West Auckland after Monday night's deluge.
Lessons from the lonely road of essential travel
First person - As an essential worker, RNZ reporter Katie Todd has to get to Auckland while the rest of the country diligently follows the lockdown rules - if she can get past a rural red light.
Chief Ombudsman probes seafarers' MIQ concerns
The Chief Ombudsman has launched multiple investigations into MIQ, including "customer service" issues and complaints from seafarers that they are getting stranded overseas.
Desert Road murder case 'scout' in burial of body sentenced to prison
A man has been sentenced to 19 months and two weeks in prison for helping bury a man's body in the central North Island and keeping quiet about the killing for two years.
Commerce Commission to reveal findings on supermarket chains, prices
The country's main supermarket chains could be in for a shake up when the Commerce Commission releases its draft investigation into the groceries industry.
'The past two weeks have been harrowing for us'
The mother of murdered police officer Matthew Hunt says it has been traumatic listening to the details in court of what happened to her son. Audio
Massey cop shooting trial: Jury finds Eli Epiha guilty of attempted murder
Police killer Eli Epiha has been found guilty on a charge of attempted murder, after shooting two officers in Auckland last June, killing Matthew Hunt and wounding David Goldfinch.
Jury retires to consider verdict for Massey shooter
A jury has retired to consider its verdict in the trial of police killer Eli Epiha, who shot two officers in Auckland last June, killing Matthew Hunt.
Epiha had intent to kill second officer - Crown
The crown in the trial of Eli Epiha claims he was intent on killing police officers last June - choosing the most efficient of two weapons and sauntering away when an officer was wounded.