Stories by Max Frethey
Nelson council asks, what to do about a new library?
The topic of a new library has come before residents once again as Nelson City Council seeks feedback on its annual plan.
Native seabirds threatened by vehicles on Tasman beaches
Tasman District Council is investigating options to try and limit vehicles on beaches to protect native seabirds. A bylaw is not out of the question.
Possible 7.2 percent rates rise for Nelson
A 7.2 percent rates increase is one of five substantial deviations from its Long Term Plan that Nelson City Council is expected to consult with residents about.
Vandals cause $27,000 of damage to Nelson public toilets
Repeated vandalisation of Nelson's public toilets has cost ratepayers at least $27,000 with toilet bowls being smashed and pipework cut through.
181-year-old spelling mistake causing a stir
Many Nelson residents are pushing for a street's name change to more accurately honour the Māori chief it was named after.
'A grand old effort to get it down': Unicorn sculpture disappears
A unicorn sculpture has been stolen from a house on Nelson's Rocks Road which was left red-stickered and unoccupied after a mudslide in August.
‘Businesses are hurting’ – greater police presence wanted in CBD
Businesses in Nelson's city centre have called for more police in the CBD to deter the rise in crime that they're witnessing.
Mayor challenges Waka Kotahi on chaotic SH6 closure and weeds
Nelson Mayor Nick Smith has grilled Waka Kotahi on the chaotic closure of State Highway 6/Whakatu Drive and weedy roundabouts during the first meeting of the joint regional transport committee.