Stories by Robin Martin
Hefty fines for collecting Taranaki shellfish
The Ministry for Primary Industries is warning visitors to Taranaki this summer they could face hefty fines if they collect kaimoana - except crayfish - along the New Plymouth to Ōpunakē coastline.
Second rare bird killed in six months on Taranaki roads
The large stocky herons - one of the rarest wetland birds in the world - are notoriously secretive and deemed nationally critical in New Zealand.
Kāinga Ora admits mistakes over 'neighbours from hell'
A West Auckland resident who went 'through hell' for months has received an early Christmas present.
Project cost blowout to hit New Plymouth ratepayers for years
Ratepayers are to pay a hefty price for a planned thermal dryer project that's price has more than doubled.
Hundreds gather 'all out of love for te reo Māori'
About 1000 rangatahi have descended on Taranaki and Whanganui for Te Wiki Hākinakina o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori, a celebration of sport and te reo Māori.
'It's about longevity as a human' - Boxer's safety message packs a punch
Champion boxer Sam Rapira has revealed for the first time publicly he is living with dementia pugilistica - a variant of chronic traumatic encephalopathy brought on by repeated concussions.
'We rely on this': Foodbank ensures season of giving can include needy
There was a festive vibe at the New Plymouth Community Foodbank's Christmas Drive, despite the struggles of many to make ends meet.
EPA staying quiet on operator's possible breaches in Kupe gas field operations
It has emerged that Beach Energy Resources is the subject of an ongoing investigation into its operation at the Kupe gas field off the coast of Taranaki.
Angry scenes at court as man pleads guilty to murder
There were angry scenes and a heavy police presence at the High Court at New Plymouth today where two men and a teenager involved in a gang-related murder made appearances.
'Life was hell ... it drove us crazy': Living in motorhomes to avoid unruly neighbours
Private property owners are leaving their homes and moving into campervans to get away from unruly Kāinga Ora neighbours.
Whanganui Men's Shed looking for new home to set up shop
The Men's Shed has to be out of its current site by January to make way for Whanganui's new justice precinct. Audio
Pākaraka signs to consign Maxwell to history
A settlement on the outskirts of Whanganui will soon have signs reflecting its traditional Māori name rather than one honouring a militiaman associated with the killing of local rangatahi.
Don't DIY your vape charging - electricians
Master Electricians is warning that young people using a DIY method to recharge disposable vaping devices risk them exploding in their hands.
Tattoo festival in 10th year, now the biggest in Australasia
Up to 7000 punters are expected this weekend at the 10th anniversary of what is now Australasia's largest tattoo festival.
Immigration red tape frustrates short-staffed farmers
A Northland farmer fears immigration red tape will see an experienced German dairy hand walk away from a job vacancy that she desperately needs to fill.
'I don't feel Kāinga Ora take it seriously' - Neighbours say unruly tenants not moved
Kāinga Ora has yet to cancel any tenancies or evict a single tenant since it was instructed to more vigourously employ the law against unruly renters.
Author captures Motunui Epa's epic journey across the globe
The story of five carved tōtara panels once hidden in a Taranaki swamp before being stolen and taken to New York, Geneva and London is the subject of a new book launched in New Plymouth.
Independent oversight needed on remediation of chemical plant site - advocate
A dioxin researcher says a close eye will need to be kept on the global chemicals company's promise to clean up a controversial plant in New Plymouth.
New Plymouth mayor convinced controversial chemical plant contaminated
New Plymouth mayor Neil Holdom says he'll be insisting the new owners of a controversial Paritutu agrichemical plant fulfil commitments made to thoroughly test and clean up the site.
Protesters attempt to buy site, Land Information says it's not for sale
Opponents of the Mt Messenger bypass project in Taranaki are claiming they have bought an old section of state highway they were trespassed from earlier this month.
New Plymouth embracing power of song as choirs hit the streets
More than 200 singers will perform at three different locations before coming together to sing as one at the Puke Ariki landing, a part of Spiegel Fest.
NZ's largest oil and gas operator to cease production for energy use by 2050
New Zealand's largest oil and gas operator, OMV, says it will reduce fossil fuel production by 20 percent by 2030 and cease production for energy use by 2050.
Decision to terminate Maari deal commercial - NZ Petroleum & Minerals
The oil and gas exploration regulator says it was still considering a deal to transfer the Maari oil field from OMV to Jadestone Energy when the companies withdrew their applications.
$50m Maari oil field deal terminated amid regulatory uncertainty
Jadestone Energy and OMV have agreed to terminate a deal for Jadestone to acquire 69 percent of the Maari oil field off the coast of Taranaki.
'Worst landlord': Homeowner claims Kāinga Ora told her to move to avoid unruly neighbours
An Auckland homeowner who says she was advised to sell up and move out to get away from unruly Kāinga Ora neighbours has taken a complaint to the Ombudsman.