Cooked Corn Kernels

6:28 am on 17 February 2009


Corn cobs


Freshly cooked corn kernels have a wonderful flavour. Finely chop an onion and cook it in a little oil until tender but not browned.

Meanwhile, cut the kernels from the stem end of a large cob to its tip, using a sharp knife (a small serrated knife works well). Try to cut at the base of each kernel. If you can't manage this, run a teaspoon down the cob after you finish cutting, so you scrape out any remaining corn from the cob.

Put the corn cobs in the pan with the onion and add salt to taste, and some pepper, and a few fresh or dry herbs such as parsley, thyme or oregano if you like.

As soon as the corn tastes cooked, after 3-5 minutes, take it off the heat.

Serve it as a hot vegetable, in a vegetable mixture, or mix it through hot rice. It is excellent when used in corn fritters, too.