Simple One-pot Pasta

11:20 am on 29 January 2018

I’ve seen quite a few variations of one-pot pasta floating around. If you haven’t tried this no-fuss technique, I gently urge you to do so — it’s simply too easy not to try. I’ve used delicate-stemmed asparagus, as it’s a lovely way to savour this vegetable during its short season. The dried pasta is cooked with the other ingredients and the starch creates a meltingly delicious sauce. It’s probably one of the easiest dinners I’ve ever made and the variations are endless, too.

Simple One-pot Pasta.

Simple One-pot Pasta. Photo: Supplied


  • glug of extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 shallots, roughly chopped
  • bunch of asparagus, woody ends removed and discarded, sliced at an angle
  • 250g dried pasta
  • large handful of fresh oregano, roughly chopped
  • 2 large handfuls of fresh basil, roughly chopped
  • juice of 1 large lemon
  • 2 tbsp butter


Add enough olive oil to a heavy-bottomed cast-iron pot to cover the bottom. Heat the oil gently over medium heat.

Add the shallots and asparagus and stir to coat in the oil. Sauté gently for 2–3 minutes, stirring continuously.

Add the pasta and enough boiling water to just cover it. Bring back to a soft boil then lower the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the pasta is al dente. The liquid should have reduced, creating a light, starchy sauce.

Add the herbs, lemon juice and butter. Season generously with flaky sea salt and freshly ground pepper, then toss until the pasta is evenly coated in the sauce.

Serve immediately with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and an extra squeeze of lemon if you desire.

Recipes extracted from The Art of Simple by Eleanor Ozich, published by Penguin NZ, Hardback, RRP: $40.00.