Zucchini Trifolati

3:48 am on 27 March 2007

(Serves 4-6)


  • 700g slim zucchini, finely sliced
  • 50g butter
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 1 large clove garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste


1. Wash the zucchini, pat dry then trim and slice very thinly.

2. Melt the butter in a large heavy-based frypan over a medium heat and add the onion. Cook gently until the onion just starts to turn golden, then increase the heat to medium-high and add the zucchini. Stir well to coat with the buttery onion, add the garlic then cook until the zucchini discs are very tender and lightly golden;  the onion should be a rich golden colour.  If the mixture starts to burn, lower the heat.

3. Stir through the salt and pepper and transfer to a serving dish. Serve hottish.