Bugles and children are historically paired together. Today’s bugle story moves from 19th century bugle boys through to a 21st century bugle girl.
Shelley Wilkinson has help from James Tibbles and Charlotte Osmaston.
This programme was made with assistance from Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision, the National Library of New Zealand and Alexander Turnbull Library.
Look at the photo gallery for episode three of Bugle Stories
Music & Audio details:
Bugle call: “Drummers, or Buglers” or “Fall In”
- Unnamed bugler
(Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision)
Narration: Memories of the first Dominion Day in Auckland, September 26th 1909
- Fred Eustace
(Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision)
Narration: Medley of Marches
- Christchurch West High School Cadet Bugle Band
(Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision)