13 May 2018

Hymns on Sunday, 13 May 2018

From Hymns on Sunday, 7:30 am on 13 May 2018

Hymns to mark Ascension Sunday today  include Hail the day that sees Him rise and New Zealander Marnie Barrell's Christ ascends to God.

Ascension - Luca della Robbia

Ascension - Luca della Robbia Photo: Shakko 01, Creative Commons


Artist: Choir of Wells Cathedral, Malcolm Archer (dir), Rupert Gough (organ)
Words/Music: C Wesley/Hooper
Recording: Hyperion 711210

Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia!
to his throne above the skies; Alleluia!
Christ, the lamb for sinners given, Alleluia!
enters now the highest heaven! Alleluia!

There for him high triumph waits; Alleluia!
lift your heads, eternal gates! Alleluia!
he hath conquered death and sin; Alleluia!
take the King of Glory in! Alleluia!

Lo, the heav’n its Lord receives, Alleluia!
yet he loves the earth he leaves: Alleluia!
though returning to his throne,
still he calls mankind his own. Alleluia!

Still for us he intercedes, Alleluia!
his prevailing death he pleads, Alleluia!
near himself prepares our place, Alleluia!
he the first-fruits of our race. Alleluia!

Lord, though parted from our sight, Alleluia!
far above the starry height; Alleluia!
grant our hearts may thither rise, Alleluia!
seeking thee above the skies. Alleluia!


Artist: Truro Cathedral Choir, Andrew Nethsingha (dir), Christopher Gray (organ)
Words/Music: Anon trans Chandler/Redhead
Recording: Priory PRCD 710

O Christ, our hope, our heart's desire,
redemption's only spring,
Creator of the world art thou,
its Saviour and its King.

How vast the mercy and the love
which laid our sins on thee,
and led thee to a cruel death
to set thy people free.

But now the bonds of death are burst,
the ransom has been paid;
and thou art on thy Father's throne,
in glorious robes arrayed.

O may thy mighty love prevail
our sinful souls to spare;
O may we come before thy throne,
and find acceptance there!

O Christ, be thou our present joy,
our future great reward;
our only glory may it be
to glory in the Lord!

All praise to thee, ascended Lord;
all glory ever be
to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
through all eternity.


Artist: Festival Singers
Words/Music: Murray/Dell
Recording: Private CD 807

Loving spirit, loving spirit,
you have chosen me to be
you have drawn me to your wonder,
you have set your sign on me.

Like a mother you enfold me,
hold my life within your own,
feed me with your very body,
form me of your flesh and bone.

Like a father you protect me,
teach me the discerning eye,
hoist me up upon your shoulder,
let me see the world from high.

Friend and lover, in your closeness
I am known and held and blessed:
in your promise is my comfort,
in your presence I may rest.

Loving spirit, loving spirit,
you have chosen me to be
you have drawn me to your wonder,
you have set your sign on me.


Artist: Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge
Words/Music: Willis/Trad arr Vaughan Williams
Recording: Conifer 75605 51249

Father, hear the prayer we offer:
not for ease that prayer shall be,
but for strength, that we may ever
live our lives courageously.

Not for ever in green pastures
do we ask our way to be ;
but the steep and rugged pathway
may we tread rejoicingly.

Not forever by still waters
would we idly rest and stay;
but would smite the living fountains
from the rocks along our way.

Be our strength in hours of weakness,
in our wanderings be our guide;
through endeavour, failure, danger,
Father, be thou at our side.


Artist: Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge
Words/Music: Franck trans. Winkworth/Kruger
Recording: Conifer 75605-51249

Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness,
leave the gloomy haunts of sadness,
come into the daylight's splendour,
there with joy thy praises render
unto him whose grace unbounded
hath this wondrous banquet founded;
high o'er all the heavens he reigneth,
yet to dwell with thee he deigneth.

Now I come before thee lowly,
filled with joy most deep and holy,
as with trembling awe and wonder
on thy mighty works I ponder;
how, by mystery surrounded,
depth no one has ever sounded,
none may dare to pierce unbidden
secrets that with thee are hidden.

Sun, who all my life dost brighten;
Light, who dost my soul enlighten;
Joy, the sweetest man e'er knoweth;
Fount, whence all my being floweth:
at thy feet I cry, my maker,
let me a fit partaker
of this blessed food from heaven,
for our good, thy glory, given.

Jesus, bread of life, I pray thee,
let me gladly here obey thee;
never to my hurt invited,
be thy love with love requited;
from this banquet let me measure,
Lord, how vast and deep its treasure;
through the gifts thou here dost give me,
as thy guest in heaven receive me.


Artist: Choir of St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh, Dennis Townhill (dir), Peter Backhouse (organ)
Words/Music: Dix/Prichard
Recording: Priory PRCD 376

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus;
his the scepter, his the throne;
Alleluia! His the triumph,
his the victory alone!
Hark! The songs of peaceful Zion
thunder like a mighty flood:
"Jesus out of every nation
has redeemed us by his blood."

Alleluia! Not as orphans
are we left in sorrow now;
Alleluia! He is near us;
faith believes nor questions how.
Though the cloud from sight received him,
when the forty days were o'er,
shall our hearts forget his promise:
"I am with you evermore"?

Alleluia! Bread of angels,
here on earth our food, our stay;
Alleluia! Here the sinful
flee to you from day to day.
Intercessor, friend of sinners,
earth's redeemer, hear our plea
where the songs of all the sinless
sweep across the crystal sea.

Alleluia! King eternal,
Lord omnipotent we own;
Alleluia! Born of Mary,
earth your footstool, heaven your throne.
As within the veil you entered,
robed in flesh, our great high priest;
here on earth both priest and victim
in the Eucharistic feast.


Artist: Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Moses Hogan (dir)
Words/Music: Moses Hogan
Recording: Bonneville 510097

My God is so high
You can’t get over Him;
He’s so low
You can’t get under Him
He’s so wide
You can’t get around Him;
You must come in by and through the Lamb

One day as I was walking
along the heavenly road,
my Saviour spoke unto me
and He fill my heart with love.

I’ll take my gospel trumpet
and I’ll begin to blow,
And if my Saviour help me,
I’ll blow wherever I go.
Refrain (x 2)


Artist: Viva Voce
Words/Music: Barrell/Brinson
Recording: NZ Hymnbook Trust 941300

Christ ascends to God! Behold him
here, where earth and heaven meet.
Unimagined powers enfold him,
mortals worship at his feet.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
all his mission now complete.

God receives him into mystery -
clouds of glory veil the sight:
no more bound to human history,
strong as love and free as light.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
now to reign in his own right.

He is with us. Do not seek him
throned in splendour far above:
meet him here where truth and freedom
now reveal his work of love.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
countless signs his presence prove.

Universal Lord, now reigning
deep in nature’s smallest part’
all things live by your sustaining,
time and space your work of art.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
praise to Christ, creation’s heart.

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