4 Feb 2019

BACH: Aria from Cantata 84 'Ich esse mit Freudin'

From Music Alive, 8:00 pm on 4 February 2019

Anna Fraser (soprano), Nikki Chooi (violin), Thomas Hutchinson (oboe), Douglas Mews (harpsichord), Rolf Gjelsten (cello).

Johann Sebasian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach Photo: Elias Gottlob Haussmann, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

JS Bach wrote over 200 cantatas.

At some stages of his career as a church music director it was not unusual for him to compose a new cantata each week.

He also wrote cantatas for special occasions such as weddings, inaugurations, academic and other functions.

This aria is from Cantata No 84 'Ich esse mit Freudin mein weniges Brot' - I eat my little bit of bread with joy.

Recorded in Nelson Cathedral by RNZ

Sound Engineer: Graham Kennedy