13 Apr 2023

APO: Best of Beethoven - The Revolutionary

From Music Alive, 8:00 pm on 13 April 2023

"It’s said that when Beethoven became deaf, the music he missed above all was birdsong. The ‘Pastoral’ Symphony is a tender, affectionate picture of the countryside he loved so much, from a babbling brook to a violent thunderstorm. But it’s not merely pictorial. In this very personal music, Beethoven pours out his joy at being in nature.

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Photo: Supplied by APO

The joy in the Seventh Symphony is all about rhythm. Wagner referred to this work as the ‘apotheosis of the dance’. He was right. This irresistible music skips and springs and leaps with vigour, yet also with miraculous lightness and grace." - APO


BEETHOVEN: Symphony No 6 in F Op 68, Pastoral;

BEETHOVEN: Symphony No 7 in A Op 92

Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Giordano Bellincampi

Find out more and listen to this performance here: