Vampyr begins with a drifter who is obsessed with the supernatural stumbling upon an inn where a severely ill girl is slowly turning into a vampire.
Vampyr is still regarded as one of the best horror films of all time. The film's Danish director, Carl Theodor Dreyer said he wanted to create a waking dream on screen and show that horror is not to be found in the things around us but in our own subconscious. Dreyer is still regarded by many as one of the greatest directors in cinema.
Stephan Mathieu updated the soundtrack to the 1932 horror film Vampyr The German ambient musician has designed his soundtrack to be listened to while watching the original film with it's soundtrack turned down. Stephan calls his music a 're-narration' and has designed it not to sync up with the film in any specific way as far as timing is concerned.
So, when listening, people can watch the film from beginning to end or dip into it wherever they like to see what eerie serendipitous moments coincide between music and visuals.
Stephan Mathieu calls his re-imagined soundtrack Radiance X: Her Dark Gaze Drowned In Light.
Stephan Mathieu performing at Modern Theatre, Boston, 2011 Photo: Susanna Bolle