Research, conservation, travel, two papers at Amherst.
“Conservation is more and more discussed here, in the general context of environmental quality. Suddenly everyone realizes how terrible the air and water are, and the noise, hideous urban sprawl, acres of junk and concrete etcetera. More and more influential people are talking about the responsibility of couples to have no more than two children, adopting if they want more. I hope very much that New Zealand listens in, and does something about pollution and population before it’s too late there too!”
Star Hen 2-427 and the nebula M1-67 Photo: NASA, Public Domain
Music details
DVORAK Romance Op 11 (EMI CDC 749858)
FAURE Piano Quartet Op 15 (HYPERION CDA 66166)
LENNON/MCCARTNEY All my loving (APPLE 831796)
BEETHOVEN Violin sonata Op 30 no 3, 3rd mvt (DG 457 619 2:25)
FAURE Piano Quartet Op 15 (HYPERION CDA 66166)
SMETANA Vltava (DG 427 216)
PHILLIPS California Dreamin’ (SONY 670 399)