11 Aug 2023

The Adventures of Pat the Pātētē

From Three to Seven, 4:00 pm on 11 August 2023

You probably know the story of Peter and the Wolf, an orchestral tale for children of all ages, that also involves a bird, a cat, a grumpy old man, some hunters and a rather unfortunate duck.

Waikato composer Janet Jennings has possibly written Aotearoa’s answer to it: The Adventures of Pat the Pātētē. Although in this story the duck doesn’t end up as dog tucker!

Mezzo-soprano Catrin Johnsson

Catrin Johnsson Photo: Supplied

Mezzo-soprano Catrin Johnsson is narrator for the work, which premieres in Hamilton mid-August.

Despite her background in opera, Catrin told Three to Seven host Bryan Crump she’s comfortable with a spoken role. After all, she says, spoken dialogue is a big part of much operatic action, from Mozart to Bizet and beyond.

The story of Pat the Pātētē begins with the little brown teal, one of the rarest waterfowl in the world, having to leave his home “because he can’t find anyone else like him”.

In searching for a new habitat, Pat meets a variety of characters: a tui, a ruru, Mrs Longfin the Eel, and a mallard duck, all voiced by Catrin.

And unlike Peter’s wolf, Pat doesn’t end up in a zoo. 

The Adventures of Pat the Pātētē
Schools concerts: Tuesday 15 August 9.30am, 11am, 1pm
Concert Chamber, Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, University of Waikato

Saturday 19 August 3.30pm, Concert Chamber, Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, University of Waikato

Trust Waikato Symphony Orchestra/Rupert D’Cruze
Catrin Johnsson – Narrator
Taonga puoro – Whetu-iti Silver


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