13 Mar 2019

Pacific Forum head meets UN's Guterres

9:56 am on 13 March 2019

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General, Dame Meg Taylor has met the United National Secretary General, António Guterres in New York.

Secretary General of the Forum Secretariat Dame Meg Taylor

Secretary General of the Forum Secretariat Dame Meg Taylor Photo: RNZI Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia

The two discussed priorities for the Pacific including the threat of climate change to regional security, financing for development and the Pacific's progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Dame Meg said she was encouraged by Mr Guterres' determined efforts to address the impacts of climate change, and his commitment to the Blue Pacific initiative.

The Forum-endorsed initiative seeks to harness the collective potential of the region's shared stewardship of the Pacific Ocean.

Dame Meg also said she was confident there would be transformative discussions at Mr Guterres' High Level Climate Summit in September.