Afternoons for Thursday 30 May 2024
1:15 Farms on the mooove this weekend, an explainer
Saturday is one of the biggest days in the farming calendar - moooo'ving day.
The annual event sees farmers, pack up their homes and herds to head to new pastures.
Hundreds of thousands of cattle and thousands of farming families will hit the road.
Most of the cattle are moved by truck, but if you're heading off the state highway this long weekend, don't be surprised to see cows on the back country roads too.
To find out why the entire farming community move on the same day I'm joined by Fed Farmers National share farmers chair Sam Ebbett talks to Susana.
1:25 Dressing politicians for the big events for 100 years
For 100 years they've been dressing New Zealand's politicians and public servants.
Today we check in with Vance Vivian on Lambton Quay in the Capital to see what's changed and what's stayed the same when it comes to dressing for the House - especially for Budget Day.
Robert Vance talks to Susana.
1:35 Baking for Starship, a unique fundraiser
More than 1,700 people have signed up for the Starship hospitals recently launched community bake off.
The bake off is raising money to support the hospital, which in turn supports over 140,000 children each year.
One of the people powering up the stand mixer is Director of Paediatric Medical Specialties Dr Helen Evans.
She speaks to Susana.
1:45 Great album: Sabotage by Mel Parsons
Today's link 3 winner will get a signed vinyl copy of Mel Parsons new album Sabotage. It's due to be released next week, but Mel's kindly offered to send a copy to our winner today.
She's also in our Christchurch studio next week to play for NZ Live.
2.00 - 3.00pm BUDGET SPECIAL hosted by Corin Dann
3:15 Your Money with Mary Holm
Today Mary talks about first home buying following the loss of the Kiwisaver first home buyer grant.
She has some tips about using Kiwisaver to buy a home and other options for those looking to purchase their first property.
3:35 Spoken Feature BBC Witness
In 2001, the American Ana Montes, who was working for the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was arrested for espionage.
Although the FBI knew that there was a spy they didn't know who it was. The Cubans always referred to Ana by a man's name.
Former FBI agent, Pete Lapp, tells Gill Kearsley the fascinating story of how he and his team tracked down and arrested Ana, who is known as ‘Queen of Cuba’.
3:45 The pre-Panel