1:15 Rainbow's End hoists its sail 

It holds the dubious distinction of being the most thrown-up on ride at Rainbow's End and it's back by popular demand after 7 years! Rainbow's End infamous 'Pirate Ship' will be ready to set sail late next year

Jesse talks to Rainbow's End CEO Susan Mudie about the return of the mighty vessel.

Rainbow's End Pirate Ship mock up

Photo: sinelle fernandez

1:25 Spray that could increase the shelf life of red meat gets funding

A team of Otago University researchers looking into a spray that could control red meat spoilage has won a 1 million dollar grant from MBIE.

New Zealand's red meat industry generates 10.8 billion dollars a year in annual revenue, but up to 1% of its export product is rejected due to spoilage.  

Jesse speaks to Otago University researcher Dr Sam Wardell.

Steak generic

Photo: Supplied

1:35 The boat that floats, coming to Auckland

Auckland based company Vessev have just launched a brand new, electric, passenger hydrofoil. The boat, which seats just 10 people is already set to join the Fullers fleet. 

Jesse talks to its designer - Vessev Chief Exec Eric Laakmann. 

Electric hydrofoil marine craft

Photo: Eric Laakmann

1:45 Heading Off: Treats of Taupō 

Fleur Wolstenholme arrived in Taupō as an 18-year-old from the UK and never left. Since then, she's helped put the central North Island town on the food map. She created treat,nz, celebrating Taupō's chefs and eateries and now kicking off a brand-new independent food festival, Treats of Taupō.  

Taupō and the wider Ahi Tupua caldera complex

Photo: Dougal_Townsend_GNS_Science

2.12 Podcast Critic: Question Everything and Witnessed: Night Shift

Ximena Smith joins Jesse to offer some listening recommendations including the creator of the hit S-Town goes deep into the ethics of journalism. Ximena also discusses the new season of the true crime anthology show, Witnessed. 

Question Everything

Photo: npr

2:20 Easy Eats: Crispy Citrus Chicken Salad

Sam Parish brings us a perfectly balanced noodle salad that can be served hot or cold. Get your hands on the recipe here

Crispy Citrus Chicken Salad on a blue and white tile background

Photo: Sam Parish

2:30 Bookmarks with Vincent O'Malley

Vincent is one of New Zealand's leading historians and co-founder and research director of HistoryWorks. 

He's written extensively on our colonial history, the relationship between Māori and Pakeha, and the lasting impacts of the New Zealand Wars and other conflicts. His latest book is 'The Invasion of Waikato / Te Riri ki Tainui', which is out now. 

Vincent O'Malley

Vincent O'Malley Photo: Supplied / BWB

3:10 Ladies! Don't be 'nice'! 

Underneath the niceness society expects of women is a fiery independent nature that's buried deep says Lisa Marchiano.  She's a licensed social worker, podcaster and author. She says traits like ruthlessness, shrewdness and even rage are banished by expectations for women and emerge as bitterness, resentment, anxiety and depression. She offers encouragement and insights from her clinical practice and her own life help women rediscover parts of themselves that may have been lost. Her new book is called The Vital Spark Reclaim Your Outlaw Energies and Find Your Feminine Fire.

The Vital Spark cover by Lisa Marchiano

Photo: Lisa Marchiano

3:35 Our Changing World

Justine Murray speaks to some of the team involved in identifying the genetic cause of a type of deadly stomach cancer. Their research has helped thousands around the world.

A group of six people gathered in front of a white building. They are smiling at the camera.

The Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer team. Left to right: Erin Gardiner Dr Jeremy Rossaak, Pauline Harawira, Professor Parry Guilford, Maybelle McLeod, Associate Professor Karyn Paringatai. Photo: Prime Minister's Science Prizes / Salina Galvan Photography / Royal Society Te Apārangi


3:45 The pre-Panel