12 Jun 2023

Kawerau 'dirty' water may still be safe to drink

From Afternoons, 1:25 pm on 12 June 2023

Residents in a Bay of Plenty town are fed up with their rusty brown tap water, which they say is nasty to drink, dirties washing and causes skin irritations. Kawerau locals say their water's turned brown, tasting nasty and causing skin problems since chlorine was added to their town supply in 2018.

An Auckland University Engineering Associate professor says that increased mineral content can cause skin irritation and make water look dirty - but it's not necessarily unsafe to drink. Dr Lokesh Padhye talks to Anna.

Kawerau locals have taken to social media to share their anger, along with photos of their water.

Kawerau locals have taken to social media to share their anger, along with photos of their water. Photo: Supplied

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