Manu Korihi News for 2 August 2012
The Maori Council says it's shocked that the Government has asked the Waitangi Tribunal to rush through a report on its water rights inquiry; Meanwhile, the Maori Party is to meet with Maori water rights claimants on Monday - only hours ahead of the Party's meeting with the Prime Minister, John Key; An urgent Waitangi Tribunal report says the Crown has broken commitments it made to a Wellington iwi - and breached the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; Ngati Tuwharetoa has confirmed that its paramount chief, Sir Tumu te Heuheu is resigning from his role as chair of the iwi's trust board; Ngati Wai author Paula Morris says her award-winning fictional book Rangatira is the result of eight years of extensive research into her tipuna's life-story.