20 May 2013

Te Manu Korihi News for 20 May 2013

From Checkpoint, 6:46 pm on 20 May 2013

The Television New Zealand broadcaster Shane Taurima is aiming to represent the Labour Party in its bid to retain the Ikaroa-Rawhiti electorate; A prison officer once again running to represent the people of Ikaroa Rawhiti says if he becomes an MP - he'd use all of his skills learned on the job in jail; New Massey University research shows Maori directors in District Health Boards are over-burdened by being the sole advocate for Maori health; The New Zealand Maori Internet Society - Te Whanau Ipurangi, hopes its research into Maori domain names, or web site and email addresses will become part of the drive to revitalise the language; Ngati Kahungunu says its purchase of a large farm is the template for more land acquisitions.