28 Sep 2018

Japanese brides like white orchids, so Pieter Rensen grows them

From Country Life, 9:21 pm on 28 September 2018

Pieter Rensen believes he's the only orchid grower in the world growing and selling solely white blooms.

Every year, he cuts more than 300,000 stems of white miniature cymbidiums from lush plants in his greenhouses near Pukekohe, and exports three-quarters of them to Japan for weddings and funerals.

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Photo: RNZ/Carol Stiles

Pieter says he's not at all worried about having all his eggs in one basket - "white is not really fashion-sensitive."

"And because it's white, we are very efficient with the processing of it. We don't have to do mixed boxes...and we only have three sizes so it's very, very, very easy, really."

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Photo: RNZ/Carol Stiles

The orchid sits in the medium price range in Japan, selling for about seven or eight dollars a stem, he says.

The mini cymbidium produces very well over a long season, travels well and because you can fit between 10 and 15 stems in a box, the cost of freight per stem isn't high.

Given that he's surrounded by the blooms for almost ten months of the year, does Pieter still think they're beautiful?

"I think of this as an orchid factory so it's a little bit like if I can get good prices for them, of course I think they are beautiful. If the market is really bad I'm thinking, 'ah, what am I doing here with these guys?!" he says, laughing.

Pieter admits he plays with growing coloured orchids occasionally 'just for interest'.

He also now grows one variety of greenery to sell to florists in New Zealand.

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