Good Friday for Friday 3 April 2015
6:00 Breakfast with Stuart Keith
An early miscellany of music, stories and random thoughts.
7: 30 Worldwatch
The stories behind the international headlines (RNZ).
8:15 The Crash, by Abby Howells
A couple are literally thrown together in the body of a crashed car. Is this the end of the road? (RNZ)
9:06 Can the World get Richer Forever?
Theo Leggett looks at our apparent addiction to economic growth as the secret to prosperity and a cure for global poverty - and asks where will it all lead? (BBC)
10:06 The Science of Smart
Researchers have long been searching for better ways to learn. In recent decades experts working in cognitive science, psychology and neuroscience have opened new windows into how the brain works and how we can learn to learn better. We look at some of the big ideas coming out of brain science, meet the researchers who are unlocking the secrets of how the brain acquires and holds on to knowledge and the teachers and students who are trying to apply that knowledge in the real world (APM)
11:06 Freedom of Speech
With his fellow-panellists Nicky Hager and Richard King. Luke Harding explores the issues of surveillance, freedom and the media response with chair Joanna Norris, editor of the Christchurch Press.
12:00 The Midday Report
A roundup of today's news and sport.
12:12 Ikanui, by Atihana M Johns
Two cousins catch up in a bar in the Big Smoke and reminisce about growing up in Puketara in 1953 (RNZ)
12:30 The Man Who Made Singapore
Edward Stourton looks back at the life of Lee Kuan Yew, who transformed Singapore into one of the world’s richest nations. (BBCWS)
1:06 Church Music
A documentary exploring why we sing music at church and what it does for individuals and communities (PRX)
Robert Peston speaks to leading policymakers and opinion shapers as he charts the new consensus that inequality is the biggest economic challenge that the world faces today (BBC)
3:04 Zion Harmonizers: The Elder Statesmen of New Orleans Gospel
The Zion Harmonizers are rooted in the quartet singing tradition and a capella harmonies from the turn of the last century. For more than 40 years, they've enjoyed an unparalleled platform at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, anchoring and curating the Gospel Tent. (PRX)
4:06 Ebola: What Next? Who Runs a Country When it's in Crisis?
The 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa was the worst since the disease was identified in 1976. But there is now an encouraging decline in new cases which is raising hopes that a turning point might have been reached in the battle against the disease. So what next - has Ebola been defeated? (BBC)
5:00 The 5 O'Clock Report
A roundup of today's news and sport.
5:30 The Life Scientific: Professor John O'Keefe
John O'Keefe tells Jim Al-Khalili how winning the Nobel Prize can be a double-edged sword, especially if you liked your life in the laboratory before being made famous. John won the Nobel Prize for his once-radical insight into how we know where we are. When he first described the idea of 'place cells' in the brain back in 1971 many people scoffed at the suggestion. Today it's accepted scientific wisdom that our spatial ability depends on an internal GPS, created by brain cells in the hippocampus (BBC).
7:06 Can Soup Change the World?
Can an innovative community crowd-funding project from Detroit work anywhere? Detroit Soup founder Amy Kaherl rises to the challenge in Nepal (BBC)
7:30 Country Life
Memorable scenes, people and places in rural NZ (RNZ)
8:06 Hat maker
Simon Smuts-Kennedy of Hills Hats, a firm that has been making head furniture for 140 years.
8:30 The Secret Life of Music Collectors
Do you have a loved one who only wears band T-shirts? Maybe they listen exclusively to live bootlegs? Or are hiding a a stash of gig posters in their wardrobe alongside their clothes? Zac Arnold talks to a series of obsessive collectors and investigates why just listening to music just isn’t enough for some music fans. (RNZ)
10:00 The 10 O'Clock Report
A roundup of today's news and sport.
10:30 What's The Word
Fish in Literature (MLA).
11:06 Brian Eno: Eno as Ambient Composer
A look at the beginnings of ambient music, and shows how Eno not only pioneered the field but helped usher other talents into the spotlight (3 of 6, RNZ).