Navigation for Māpuna

12:13 Maori health pioneer Sir Mason Durie

For over 40 years Sir Mason Durie has been at the forefront of a transformational approach to Māori health and has played major roles in building the Māori health workforce. In 1982 he developed the seminal Te Whare Tapa Whā model for health and wellbeing. He helped develop the Whānau Ora approach and was the founding Chair of the original Whānau Ora Taskforce in 2008. He called for a Māori health and wellbeing Authority, and was appointed by the Government to lead the Māori Health Authority's steering group. He also helped to create and lead Te Rau Matatini, a national organisation to develop the Maori mental health and well being workforce. In July the interim Maori Health Authority will become a fully fledged autonomous entity able to commission services. How transformational does Sir Mason think the authority will be?

Sir Mason Durie

Sir Mason Durie Photo: RNZ / Leigh Marama McLachlan

12:30 Huia Publishers pays tribute to Sir Wira Gardiner

In 2014 Huia Publishers released a book on former Labour minister Parekura Horomia written by Sir Wira Gardiner. Brian Morris is the Executive Director and owner of Huia Publishers, and looks back at the work of Sir Wira. Morris is also an editor, author, translator, and educator. Since 1991, HUIA has published books that explore the perspectives, stories and knowledge of Māori from across Aotearoa. Through their work as an independent publisher, HUIA has opened a window into the rich and generative world of Māori literature and has spearheaded a flourishing educational and general indigenous publishing in Aotearoa.

12:40 The Beatles, R&B, jazz and taonga puoro inspire musical duo Aro

Husband and wife duo Charles and Emily Looker make up Aro and their album He Wai draws on a combination of kapa haka, R&B, gospel, jazz and the Beatles. The pair say their lyrics switch seamlessly between Maori and English and some of their songs reflect their concern for the environment. He Wai consists of five songs which display Aro's  use of taonga pūoro, guitars, strings and saxophone. Where will their creative energy take them next? 

husband and wife duo Aro

husband and wife duo Aro Photo: supplied