Manu Korihi News for 8 August 2012
The Chairman of a group reviewing the operations of a West Coast Maori health provider which was on the verge of being insolvent, says there's now a proposed plan to take it into the future; A Tuwharetoa sub-tribe's evacuation plan which was put into action folllowing the Mount Tongariro eruption, has prompted neighbours who live near the mountain to talk to one other; A Northland hapu Te Uri o Hau, expects a new Memorandum of Understanding it's signed with the Northland Regional Council, will benefit efforts to improve the health of the Kaipara Harbour; The Maori Arts and Crafts Institute says the support shown by Chile for Maori to build a closer bond with Rapanui or Easter Island, demonstrates a willingness to reconnect two cultures separated only by the Pacific Ocean.