1 Aug 2015

Te Aumihi Hapeta & Reiwhati Heremia - 'Tirama'

From RNZ Music, 4:35 pm on 1 August 2015

Tumeke FM's station manager Jarrod Dodd on their waiata, Tirama.

'Tirama' was produced in Rotorua at Kanohi Studios but is a song written in Whakatane, using local vocalists, local musicians and local talent in the video.

All the talent were under the age of 19 at the time of recording and most were leaders at their schools.

'Tirama' is about realising our ability to rise above our limitations, and discovering our ability to accomplish our dreams and live into our great purpose - the mastery of our life and our fields of interest.

It acknowledges that yes there may be hard work, lonely times and challenging times, but with determination and tenacity we can break through these.

It encourages us to be great, to let ourselves shine, when some of us would rather keep ourselves small and hidden or deny our potential out of fear (of failure, of being seen, or even at the idea it may cause discomfort to others).

It encourages us to be expansive and express ourselves in ways that show how marvellous and brilliant we truly are.
It it asks us to lighten up and have fun in our lives and brighten the world and those around us, with our presence.

- Maraea Davies, Tumeke FM

Music details

Artist: Te Aumihi Hapeta and Reiwhati Heremia
Song: Tirama
Composer:Hapeta, Heremia
Album: Single
Label: Private