12 Apr 2021

Life on Mars by 2050?

From Nine To Noon, 9:38 am on 12 April 2021
This NASA photo released on February 19, 2021, shows an image from NASA’s Perseverance rover of the surface of Mars and one of the rover's wheels after landing on February 18, 2021.

Perseverance - Mars  Photo: AFP / NASA

Space Mining specialist, Serkan Saydam believes the red planet could be colonised by 2050. So far only uncrewed spacecraft have landed on surfaces described as dusty and dry.

But, decades of exploration has added to the knowledge about Mars - including that at one time there were flowing liquids there forming streams and valleys. Now robotic activity is paving the way for potentially sending humans to the planet.

Dr Serkan Saydan is the Deputy Director of the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research and a Professor of Mining at the University of NSW. He also works with NASA.


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