15 Jun 2021

Former Skypath design lead proposes new harbour bridge design

From Nine To Noon, 9:07 am on 15 June 2021
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Photo: Supplied

The former design lead for the abandoned SkyPath planned for the Auckland Harbour Bridge says the Waitemata needs a new crossing - but not the boxy expensive one the government wants.

Earlier this month Transport Minister Michael Wood announced plans to construct a new cycling and walking bridge that would sit alongside the original bridge - at an estimated cost of $685m.

Construction is expected to take place over five years, starting in mid -2022. It's the latest iteration of cycling and walking options over the Waitemata Harbour - the original was the Skypath plan, which had consent, $360 million in funding and was supposed to be under construction this year.

Its design team leader was Garth Falconer, director of Reset Urban Design.  

He's throwing a new option into the mix: a new bridge that curves out on the western side of the existing Harbour Bridge that would be for north-bound traffic, while south-bound traffic would use the original bridge, with two lanes left for exclusive use by cyclists and pedestrians.

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Photo: Supplied

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