9 Aug 2022

Seen but unheard: The experience of Maori and Pasifika

From Nine To Noon, 9:35 am on 9 August 2022

New research out this morning has looked at the way Māori and Pasifika postgraduates in STEM are treated within the university space - and it paints a concerning picture.

The paper includes the responses of 43 current or past post-graduates in science, maths, engineering and technology.

Many cited being made to feel out of place, have their presence at university questioned, being seen as an expert on culture - regardless of whether they felt that way, being asked to do unpaid labour, or included as the token representative on funding applications - in some cases even after expressly saying "no".

Dr Tara McAllister and Dr Sereana Naepi have been studying why Māori and Pacific academics make up less than 4 per cent and 1 per cent respectively, of professors and 5 per cent  and 1.7 per cent of academics.

They join Susie to talk about what they were seeking to understand in this research.

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Photo: Supplied / Massey University

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