22 Dec 2022

Around the motu : Diane McCarthy in Whakatane

From Nine To Noon, 10:30 am on 22 December 2022
Herepuru Rd, Whakatāne district

Herepuru Rd, Whakatāne district Photo: supplied by Diane McCarthy

This winter and spring have had the highest ever recorded rainfall for Whakatāne district, and council staff have reported costs of damage to roads and reserves as being over $2.8 million, resulting in a shortfall in planned capital funding for next year.

Diane McCarthy is the Eastern Bay of Plenty Local Democracy Reporter from the Whakatāne Beacon.

She also talks to Kathryn about why popular summer attraction, the Ohope Water Slide has been closed for two days, and over recent months a roaming dog, or dogs have been killing pets in a 1km square block of town. 

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