14 Nov 2023

Fonterra's plan to cut on-farm emissions by 30%

From Nine To Noon, 9:20 am on 14 November 2023

Fonterra has announced a plan to reduce its on-farm emissions by 30 percent, by 2030.

Fonterra produced the equivalent of 12.8 million tonnes of greenhouse gas in the year to June, and 86 percent of emissions come from on-farm.

The plan includes encouraging farmers to plant trees, treat cow pats and introduce new technologies to cut methane and nitrous oxide. It follows moves from some of its biggest customers, incuding Nestle and Danone, to introduce climate goals. Andrew Kempson, general manager of Global Climate Policy at Fonterra, speaks with Kathryn Ryan.

Dairy cows in a milking facility in New Zealand.

Photo: 123rf

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