20 Nov 2023

More housing for Rotorua: Can bursting school rolls cope?

From Nine To Noon, 9:05 am on 20 November 2023
School Zone

Photo: RNZ/ Nick Monro

Planned social housing developments in Rotorua have two school principals concerned they won't be able to accommodate increasing student  numbers.

Hundreds of new homes are being built in the surburbs of Ōwhata and Ngongotahā, where school rolls are already blowing out. 

As the affordable homes developments are completed over the next few years it will mean hundreds more children in the areas.

The burning questions are : where are they going to be educated, is there the classroom space and are there enough teachers?

Ōwhata Primary School principal Bob Stiles and the Principal of Ngongotahā Primary School Craig McFadyen fear there'll be more pupils, than classroom space.

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