29 Apr 2024

Christchurch's Ōtākaro Orchard Community Garden to open education hub

From Nine To Noon, 11:30 am on 29 April 2024
Image of Ōtākaro Orchard in Christchurch.

Photo: Peanut Productions

Beside Christchurch's Avon River, Ōtākaro Orchard Community Garden and Food Forest has 96 different fruit trees, and an underbrush filled berries, herbs and medicinal plants.

The trees are often bare, but that's exactly how volunteers want them, encouraging people to come in and forage what they need. Work is underway to complete the Education Hub on site.

It will be a centre where people can learn how to grow their own food, cook, utilise community kitchens, and find the 70 community gardens around the city. It will also have a cafe, a green grocer, a demonstration kitchen, a massive outdoor shared kai table, and a hangi pit.

Spokesperson Hayley Guglietta is passionate about food resilience, and believes everyone should be able to walk outside and find a meal.

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