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Summer Report
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Weekdays at 8am from January 2 2020
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Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Morning Business News for 18 January 2011
18 Jan 2011Here's Amy Williams with the business news. Audio
Business confidence falls
18 Jan 2011A new report by recruitment firm Hudson says that business sentiment is at its most optimistic since 2008 - but another survey has a different conclusion. Audio
Labour says govt is passing the buck over Pike River Mine
18 Jan 2011The Labour Party leader, Phil Goff joins us now. Audio
Reverend Tim Mora says more could have been done
18 Jan 2011Joining us is an Anglican minister on the West Coast, Reverend Tim Mora, who has been supporting the mineworkers' families. Audio
Pike River families angry at receiver's decision
18 Jan 2011The receiver for the Pike River Coal Mine says it could be two years before the mine is safe enough to re-enter. Audio
Place names: Southland
Invercargill, Gore, Bluff, Takitimu Mountains, Riverton Aparima, Raiura Stewart Islands, Bush names: with Peter Dowling, revising editor of AW Reed's 'Place Names of New Zealand'. Audio
Daily look around the regional newspapers - today is Southland
18 Jan 2011Time to talk to a newspaper editor about what's happening in their region. Audio
Govt fails to improve maternity system - lobby group
18 Jan 2011A group lobbying for changes to the maternity system says the Government has wasted an opportunity to improve the safety of mothers and babies. Audio
Business sentiment highest since 2008 - Hudson report
18 Jan 2011A new report says business sentiment is at its most optimistic since 2008 and more employers are looking to take on staff. Audio
Weather Update
18 Jan 2011Time to talk about the all-important weather, joining us is the Met Service's weather ambassador, Bob McDavitt. Audio
Swiss whistleblower banker hands over material to Wikileaks
18 Jan 2011Swiss whistle-blowing banker Rudolph Elmer has handed the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, two CDs with the confidential banking details of some 2,000 rich individuals and corporations. Audio
Summer Report
Keeping you informed and celebrating the great New Zealand summer.
Weekdays at 8am from January 2 2020
Edited by Denise Garland
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