Many of the bills Parliament debates are hardly blockbusters. Some of them are of intense interest, but only to specific groups; some are of the ‘dull but important’ variety that Leader of the House Chris Hipkins describes as “the machinery of government”.
But a few have weighty constitutional implications, or have an impact on people’s lives.
This week there are a higher than usual number of the blockbuster variety. And together those blockbusters will make for a complete set of the usual debates seen in Parliament.
Leader of the House Chris Hipkins enjoys a general debate slot Photo: © VNP / Phil Smith
The key bills
Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill (James Shaw)
Planned debates: 2nd reading, Committee stage, 3rd reading.
- Provides New Zealand with a policy framework for staying within 1.5*c of global warming, as per the Paris Agreement.
- It sets a long-term emissions reduction target for the country to the year 2050. C
- reates a Climate Change Commission; an independent, expert body to advise Parliament and the Government on how to get from where we are today to 2050.
- Requires the Government to regularly update an adaptation plan for the effects of climate change.
Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Reform) Amendment Bill (James Shaw)
Planned debate: 1st reading.
Amends the Climate Change Response Act 2002 to bring agriculture methane into the ETS from 2025.
Terrorism Suppression (Control Orders) Bill (Andrew Little)
Planned debate: Referral debate (instructions to the select committee)
Gives New Zealand powers to manage returning citizens who have been participating in terrorist activities overseas.
Organ Donors and Related Matters Bill (Kris Faafoi)
Planned debate: Second reading
Adds organising organ donations to the remit of the NZ Blood Service.
Criminal Cases Review Commission Bill (Andrew Little)
Planned debate: Committee stage
Establishes a Commission able to review convictions and sentences and refer any if finds troubling back to the appeal court. Replaces a traditional role of the Governor General.