Kaveisha Abeysinghe Perea: Celebrating Diversity

From Summer Weekends, 8:45 am on 21 January 2023
MIXIT team

MIXT team - Kaviesha, Zohal (back) and Ray and Sajal (front). Photo: MIXIT

A creative performing arts project celebrating youngsters with a refugee and immigrant backgrounds is culminating with a public show this weekend.

Mixit is a project which has been operating since 2006 and aims to use the performance arts as a way of helping new Kiwis to gain confidence and feel more at home in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Kaveisha Abeysinghe Perera first became involved in 2013 as a high school student, and two years ago become involved as a board member.

She tells Evie what impact Mixit has had on her life.

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