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The Panel for Friday 24 April 2020
Story of the Day for 24 April 2020
3:48 PM.Many people across the world are taking to social media to report experiencing strange or particularly vivid dreams during lockdown. Amelia Langford looks into this phenomenon and finds out what might… Read more Audio
I've been thinking for 24 April 2020
3:53 PM.Panellists Leonie Freeman and Russell Brown share what they've been thinking about. Audio
The Panel with Leonie Freeman and Russell Brown (Part 1)
4:03 PM.A whole new underclass with social need will be created as a result of Covid 19 according to a new report by the Savation Army - National Social Policy Director Ian Hutson explains. Willie Te Aho, Te… Read more Audio
The Panel with Leonie Freeman and Russell Brown (Part 2)
4:05 PM.The government hasn't ruled out giving a cash sum to everyone to stimulate the economy but will it help? Associate Professor Susan St John from the University of Auckland Business School and founding… Read more Audio
The Salvation Army says Covid 19 will create a new underclass
4:08 PM.A whole new underclass with social need will be created as a result of Covid 19 according to a new report by the Savation Army - National Social Policy Director Ian Hutson explains. Audio
Communities setting up their own Checkpoints is a lifeline
4:17 PM.Willie Te Aho, Te Whānau-a-Maruhaeremuri hapu chair says they will continue to protect their communty from Covid 19 crossing their borders even when the country moves to level three next week. Audio
Does COVID-19 mean the end of handshaking?
4:23 PM.Will handshaking make a come back after COVID-19 has been eliminated? Audio
Could a cash drop for every kiwi help stem the fallout?
4:36 PM.The government hasn't ruled out giving a cash sum to everyone to stimulate the economy but will it help? Associate Professor Susan St John from the University of Auckland Business School and founding… Read more Audio
NZ parents unaware of vaccination schedules
4:47 PM.Vaccinologist and Auckland University Associate Professor, Dr Helen Petousis-Harris says there's a big knowledge gap for parents about their children's vaccination status. Audio
Regional foodbanks under pressure
4:51 PM.Military training and supermarket experience have led to Pastor Terry Bradley running a slick food bank operation for Waitomo District residents in need. Audio