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The Panel for Wednesday 3 June 2020
The Story of the Day with Robert Kelly
3:50 PM.While New Zealand is leaving the cage stage by stage, other parts of the world are entering another week of prolonged isolation. Read more Audio
What the Panellists have been thinking about
3:55 PM.Panellists Tayyaba Khan and Chris Finlayson share what they've been thinking about. Read more Audio
The Panel with Tayyaba Khan and Chris Finlayson (Part 1)
4:05 PM.US riots: Concerns over targeting of journalists by police; The rule of law and the right to peaceful assembly; Countdown to level 1: Is NZ reaching 'pandemic fatigue'? Audio
The Panel with Tayyaba Khan and Chris Finlayson (Part 2)
4:06 PM.Today in music history for 3 June 2020; Covid-19: Free trades training package for NZers; The challenges ahead for National's Todd Muller; Opinions divided over Nelson's 80s clock tower. Audio
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US riots: Concerns over targeting of journalists by police
4:10 PM.Many in the US media are saying the treatment of journalists by police officers in recent days reflects an erosion of trust that has seeped into law enforcement under US President Donald Trump. Read more Audio
The rule of law and the right to peaceful assembly
4:20 PM.Following on from the riots in the US, Waikato University of Law Professor Al Gillespie joins The Panel to discuss the laws surrounding rioting and peaceful assembly. Read more Audio
Countdown to level 1: Is NZ reaching 'pandemic fatigue'?
4:22 PM.As New Zealanders prepare to move to alert level 1, The Panel examines the idea of 'pandemic fatigue' with Dr Geoffrey Rice. Read more Audio
Today in music history for 3 June 2020
4:32 PM.In this day in 1967, The Doors released 'Light My Fire' in the US, where it went on to be number one on the singles chart two months later. Read more Audio
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Chance to retrain post-lockdown: Trades training package for NZers
4:40 PM.The Panel is joined by the chief executive of industry training organisation Competenz, Fiona Kingsford, to get her take on the government's free trade training package. Read more Audio
The challenges ahead for National's Todd Muller
4:50 PM.The Panel is joined by Tim Watkin, who has written a piece for Pundit on the challenges ahead for Todd Muller. Read more Audio
Opinions divided over Nelson's 80s clock tower
4:55 PM.Nelson's clock tower has always been a point of contention among locals but discussion of its merit - or lack of - has been stirred up again as the clock gets an overhaul. Read more Audio