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The Panel for Monday 30 May 2022
Pre-panel with Conor English and Sue Kedgley
3:45 PM.Wallace and panellists Conor English and Sue Kedgley talk to Ashburton District Council manager Steve Fabish about a kerb causing issues in the mid Canterbury town, discuss how we decide on baby names… Read more Audio
The Panel with Conor English and Sue Kedgley (part 1)
4:05 PM.Wallace and panellists Conor English and Sue Kedgley discuss the Government's announcement on the supermarket duopoly, China's increasing influence in the Pacific and why do mullets keep making a come… Read more Audio
The Panel with Conor English and Sue Kedgley (part 2)
4:05 PM.Wallace and panellists Conor English and Sue Kedgley discuss Auckland's congestion problem and why more roads may not be the solution, why New Zealand's love affair with cats is a huge problem for our… Read more Audio