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The Panel for Monday 19 June 2023
The Pre-Panel with Jenni Giblin and Anton Matthews
3:45 PM.Wallace and panellists talk to a Waimakariri councillor about boat speeds. Plus, our panellists tell us what has been on their minds this week. Read more Audio
The Panel with Jenni Giblin and Anton Matthews (Part One)
4:05 PM.Today on The Panel, Wallace and panellists discuss the Government's proposed changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme and sentencing laws relating to gang members after National's policy announcement… Read more Audio
The Panel with Jenni Giblin and Anton Matthews (Part Two)
4:30 PM.Today on The Panel, Wallace and panellists hear from a Christchurch hospitality business owner fed up with noise restrictions. Next they hear the case for legislation to address modern slavery in NZ's… Read more Audio
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