24 Jul 2020

The Panel with Jo McCaroll and Alan McElroy (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:02 pm on 24 July 2020

Topics - Kelly Tarlton's iconic shark bus has been put up for sale on Trade Me. Turners chief executive Greg Hedgepeth calls in to tell the Panel more about this unusual form of transport and why it's making some waves. The government will stop councils from putting height restrictions of less than six storeys and force then to accept developments with no carparks. Senior lecturer from Auckland University's school of Architecture and Planning, Bill McKay, joins The Panel to discuss. Environmental advocate Des Watson from 'Kiwis Clean Aotearoa' travels around the country helping clean up our coastlines and waterways. He has warned that Wellington beaches are some of the worst he had seen and joins The Panel to discuss. The Parliamentary Rugby Team will square off with a pretty stiff opposition in The Centaurians this weekend. Captain of the Parliamentary Rugby Team, National MP Mark Mitchell.