The Week in Review - week ending 5 April 2012
A review of the week's news including: Plans by the only bystander ever to be shot by the Armed Offenders Squad to prosecute the officer who pulled the trigger while the family of a teenage driver killed by mistake in the same incident pursues a private criminal prosecution against the officer responsible, the Maori Party co leader Pita Sharples is alarmed several Whanau Ora providers have had their contracts cancelled for non performance, more debris expected on Bay Of Plenty beaches after the wrecked Greek container ship Rena is hit be huge seas, police may soon announce whether criminal charges will be laid now the Pike River Mine Royal Commission has completed it's hearings, latest crime figures show crime at a fifteen year low, opposition MPs want ACC to explain why it has special rules for handling 'VIPs' and Bay of Plenty small business owners are taking fewer holidays then anywhere else in New Zealand according to a new survey.